Sunday, September 27, 2009

Like Pulling Teeth

Last week I went to the orthodontist to have a tooth extracted. Believe it or not, it was a baby tooth that did not have a permanent tooth underneath - so it just sat there for all these years. Before the extraction, I asked my tormentor if the tooth really had to come out. The pain I experienced a couple of days before had subsided a little, so maybe pulling it was unnecessary. He told me that I could deal with the problem now with minimal pain, or come back later when it would be excruciating. I opted for minimal pain. Problems are a lot like a bad tooth. If you deal with them quickly, there will be discomfort but soon things begin to heal. If you wait too long, problems never go away - they always get worse. It may seem like there is peace for awhile but the infection is still there under the surface, ready to come back with a vengeance. Are you putting off dealing with something because you know there will be conflict? Are you resisting having a talk with that person who really needs it? Don't! In the end you are only prolonging their handicap. Deal with it now and learn whatever lessons God has for you. It may be like pulling teeth, but trust me, you'll be glad you did.