Monday, March 8, 2010

A Walk of the Wild Side

I'm almost finished reading John Eldredge's book Wild at Heart. It was published in 2001, so I'm only nine years late. In the book, Eldredge talks about man's need for adventure and how that need is evidenced in boys. He chides parents who won't let their little boys play with toy guns because they will just make guns out of sticks if they have to. Big boys need adventure just like little ones. How many wives are living with men who have gone silent. The romantic charmer they fell in love with has been replaced by a quiet, unfeeling pacifist. Ladies, let me ask you, "Do you provide opportunities for your husband to have adventures?" Now I know what you are saying. "What about me? When do I get a break from my responsibilities? When do I get a break from the kids to have some time to myself?" And I agree. You are right and you deserve that. But for this blog, I would like to concentrate on the guys. Eldredge believes that if a man does not have an outlet for adventure, he will seek adventure in other places - affairs, pornography, etc. His feelings of being trapped without adventure can also lead to irritability and anger that will impact his ability to be a good husband and father. So ladies, let your man be a man. If his idea of adventure seems a little wild - so be it. If it seems a little dangerous - all the better. Don't emasculate him! Let him be what God made him to be. He will be a better husband and father for it. And guys, it wouldn't hurt for you in turn to watch the kids and give your wife a holiday. She deserves the bubble bath. She deserves the hot tea and a good book. She deserves to be able to go shopping for herself or meet a girlfriend at the local cafe for some girl talk. Maybe she would be more open to creating an opening for your adventure if you would meet her needs as well. So guys, if your domestication is making you a little edgy - it might be time to do something wild.