Thursday, July 8, 2010

Convinced and Confident Because of God's Love

Guest Blogger - Rev. Rippert Roberts, Jr.

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39

You can have amazing confidence when facing life's challenges once you are convinced of God's love for you.
No matter what you may lose in this life you will never lose God’s love. No matter what you may gain in this life you will have nothing of greater value than God’s love.
You can’t run far enough or fast enough to escape God’s love for you. You will never fall so low that God’s love won’t reach you. God has passionately pursued you for the sake of His love. In fact He loved you into existence and then gave you the gift of His love-child Jesus to remove anything that could ever possibly separate you from His love. Times may be hard right now. The outcome of situations or circumstances may be uncertain. You may even be in a place where you are wondering why God has allowed certain events to come into your life. God knows and He understands. He saw this day of your life before it ever arrived. He made certain that you would not face today with out His love being available to you.
Today there is nothing that you will encounter, experience or endure that God’s love wont be present and turned toward you.
Look for it. You will find it.
God will show His love for you in a number of ways.
Some of them will be fairly easy to spot. Take those opportunities to be grateful.
Some may come in unexpected ways. Take those opportunities to be amazed!
God’s love may come in the form of discipline. That’s your opportunity to change.
God’s love will give you an overwhelming victory in any and every difficulty.
You can choose to enter this day knowing that nothing can ever separate you from God’s love.
Death can’t do it. He showed you that through the resurrection of Jesus Christ when even death and the grave came up empty in the face of His love for you. (Oh and make no mistake that was about you!)
Life can’t do it. He showed you that when Jesus died for you. (Yep, that was for you too!)
The angels can’t. (Yea, they’re real)
The demons can’t. (They’re real too)
Not even the powers of hell can separate you from the love that God has for you.
Your fears for today and worries about tomorrow may cause you to be anxious but they can’t keep God’s love away from you.
You may take some convincing.
That’s okay. God understands.
He will be patient with you until you are won over.
Then you will know the confidence that comes with being convinced of God's love for you.