Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happiness or Joy?

Which one do you want - happiness or joy? You might ask, "Aren't they the same?" Actually they are not. Adrian Rogers says that happiness is based upon happenings. In other words, happiness is fleeting because it is dependent upon circumstances. Is the sun shining today? Is there money in the bank? Am I excelling at my job? Do I have a good relationship with my spouse? Are my kids getting good grades? Does the car need repairs? Do I need to lose weight? Am I getting enough exercise? You get the idea.

We could spend hours asking questions about every area of life and probably end up depressed. However, joy is not dependent on happenings - but on our relationship with God. It might be rainy outside (and it is at the time of this writing), you might be living from paycheck to paycheck, you might be stalled in your job, you might be desperately in need of a date night with your spouse, the kids are getting Cs, the car needs new brakes, you need to lose ten pounds and can't seem to find time to exercise - but there are some things you are doing right.

You are spending time with God each day, in His Word and in prayer. You are seeking to please God in how you live your life. You are not perfect, but when you make mistakes you quickly ask for forgiveness and believe God grants it based on 1 John 1:9. You are more concerned about what God thinks than what other people think about you. You recognize that your self worth is not determined by your appearance, education, social status, position, possessions or bank account - but by God Almighty.

Isn't it interesting that the Macedonians, who were living in abject poverty (2 Corinthians 8), were able to give to the Christians in Jerusalem - and do it with abundant joy in their hearts. I'm sure it did not make them happy to be poor, but the Macedonians loved God so much that their joy overcame circumstances that would devastate most people. God meant all the world to them.

And by the way, if you ever doubt how much you mean to God, don't forget that the Lord of all things had you in His mind and heart before you were ever created. The God that has universes to drip from His fingertips thought on you and ultimately gave His only Son to die for you. When we can remember God's love for us, and see our relationship with Him as our sanctuary, then we too can abide in abundant joy.

So if you can be happy then do it. And if you can have joy and happiness at the same time . . . that's a win-win. But if you must strive for one then strive for joy and more times than not, you will find happiness as well.