Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Prescription for Unbelief

I know I write about my kids a lot, but they do say the cutest things. Last night I read Joshua a Bible story before bed and told him I would stay with him while he said his prayers. Lauren has been sick, so Joshua was sure to pray for her, "Dear Jesus, thank you for Lauren's feeling better." My son is still learning how to pray, but I love how children have an automatic faith that God will do what we tell them He can do - even when we have trouble believing it ourselves. Even though Lauren was sick, to Joshua, Lauren's feeling better was a done deal. How often do we say that we believe God can do something, yet allow the memories of the past to tell us otherwise. In Mark 9, there is a man whose son has a mute spirit. When Jesus asks him how long he has lived that way, the father tells him from childhood. Jesus then asks the father if he believes and the father says something remarkable, "Lord I believe, help my unbelief." In other words, "Jesus, I want you to take full control and I will trust you for the results." Isn't it amazing how much we can trust God when we are desperate for His intervention?

When you have time, read the story in Mark 9