Wednesday, March 4, 2009

With Friends Like These . . .

I've been doing some reading in the book of Job lately and wanted to share a personal observation. We all know that Job's friends were unkind and ultimately disciplined by God, but have you ever read what they said to Job about God? Much of what they said was right - so why did God have to rebuke them? The reason . . . because they attributed motives to God that were not true. They assumed that God was punishing Job for his sins, or the sins of his children, but that was not the case. It's a reminder that we must be careful about telling people we know God's will when we don't. We cannot attribute motives to God when we do not understand the way He thinks. It's only by His Spirit that we can understand His Word, and even that can be challenging at times. God is God and He is the only one who truly understands what He is thinking. So the next time you are asked to give counsel, be careful not to pretend to know the mind of God. Allow your counsel to come from scripture and let God reveal the "why" of His plan to them personally.


When you have time, read Job 5:17-27